CERTFR-2024-CTI-002 : ? Cyber Threat Overview 2023 (27 février 2024)
Publié le 27 février 2024 10:09
Version française: ????????
This third edition of the Cyber Threat Overview describes the main trends observed by the French National Cyber Security Agency (ANSSI) in 2023. This document focuses on the motivations of attackers, their capabilities and the opportunities they exploit to compromise information systems. It provides concrete examples of incidents ANSSI had to handle during the year.
The level of cyber threat keeps on increasing against a backdrop of new geopolitical tensions and France hosting international events. Today, ANSSI assesses that attackers linked to China, Russia and cybercrime pose the greatest threat to the most critical networks and to the French ecosystem in a systemic way.
Download the report : Cyber Threat Overview 2023