Avis de sécurité


ISDFS (International Symposium On Digital Forensics and Security)

7 juin 2022 00:00

Istanbul, Turkey

The 10th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS 2022) will take place on June 6&7, 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey, both online and in person.

The IEEE Turkey franchise is the technical sponsor of the event. The symposium proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library for publication.

ISDFS provides a forum for academics, industry professionals, and government officials to share ideas and discuss recent breakthroughs in Digital Forensics, Cybersecurity, and Computer Science in general.

Following the success of the previous nine conferences, the tenth ISDFS conference will continue to develop and share information about a variety of themes and technology connected to Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity. The symposium will include special sessions, seminars, tutorials, keynotes, panel discussions, posters, and oral presentations.

Highly recommended conference for those interested in Digital Forensics – and especially if you’re a Cyber Pro living and working in Turkey.


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